Dr. Christina is a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in energy (frequency) medicine, medicinal herbal remedies, and emotional health and healing. She is a certified Detoxification Specialist Level II, certified Emotion Code Practitioner, certified Personal Trainer, certified in Somatic Experiencing, author of four books, and previous editor-in-chief of two health and wellness magazines.

“True health is being centered, finding and aligning with your Higher Self and being present.”
-Dr. Christina
Whatever your trauma and/or “diagnosis,” you can be successful, joyful, and an overcome!
I have personally endured several years of relational trauma in multiple taxing experiences that shocked my soul over and over again. When I felt safe, the rug was pulled out again. I had to overcome childhood sexual abuse, loss of a parent, divorce, PTSD, a completely wrecked nervous system, repetitive betrayal and abandonment wounding, narcissistic abuse, and to top it off, a devastating Cat 4 Hurricane that made my home and business unlivable. These adverse experiences, which felt like deep, somehow purposeful tests of my sanity and integrity to myself and spirituality, led me deeper into my heart.
Among the trauma, I chose to commit to a devoted path of healing my heart, connecting to my deepest, Highest Self, and mending my soul while stalking my purpose on this planet. I was determined to turn this pain into purpose!
My business has always been a part of my heart, and it has loyally gone through all these transformations with me. From my hardships birthed my rebrand as “the heart healer,” which feels like the most authentic, embodied version of myself. Love is the most precious and valuable experience in the world to me. It is the most powerful experience we all innately crave to embody, but we often stand in our own way, blocking the fullness and true essence of it, desperately attaching to what is not truly love. I have been down the long, difficult path of relentless heartbreak and dramatic, soul crushing rupture and repair. I have seen, felt, and come to know in an amplified way (thanks to my highly sensitive nature) everything love is not. I am no longer willing or able to tolerate manipulation, masking, dishonesty, abuse, or anti-loving relationships of any kind. I am no longer willing or able to allow my shadows to own or control me. In fact, I fearlessly invited them to the surface, and sat with them until I transmuted them into light. I compassionately met my inner child in all her fear and anxiousness as she constantly tugged at me to be met while aching to be set free! I am no longer the shy, lanky farm girl who was bullied and intimated. I am courageously coming into my voice, overcoming the gripping control of social anxiety. I have become an empowered empath, no longer absorbing everyone’s emotions, and succumbing to energy vampires. I no longer live in a hermit state while my nervous system processes everyone’s content. I no longer doubt my self-worth and lovability. I am fully clothed in the Phoenix fire, freed, and empowered with an incessantly burning flame in my heart to speak my truth. From my pain came my passion to empower other women to speak their truths, heal their hearts, and become the most authentic versions of themselves. I am on a mission to embody and spread unconditional love, sprinkling heart healing fairy dust wherever I go. No matter what challenging people or circumstances I face, I will not allow my heart to close or ever be overcome by wounding or trauma. I never owned the victim mentality, instead I got curious and intimate with my own heart and soul to deeply heal and grow. I have journeyed long and hard to allow light and love to lead my way, like everyone I still work through my blind spots. I still face challenges that temporarily divert me from loving energy, but I commit to getting right back in alignment. It has been a dramatic, arduous, life changing path, and I would never trade the pain for ease.
I have been completely cracked open on a deep soul level, sharpened, refined, made resilient, grown in confidence and self-worth, and ready to live from my soul’s purpose as a heart healer while experiencing abundance and joy and empowering women to do the same!
My Aha Moment with a Hummingbird Messenger:
Call me weird, but I love connecting to animals and plants. I look to them with a heart of openness and oneness, admiring their beauty and Divinity. A subtle experience turned into a life changing, profound moment for me. Once when I was steeped in a dark, soul valley moment, dancing between despair and renewal, I sat outside in deep contemplation. I felt complete soul exhaustion that often comes on the healing journey. But I also had peaks of subtle energetic nudges that felt like urgency calling my soul out of this state into an anticipatory rebirth. My soul was deeply aching for joy, ready to emerge into a new life chapter. Just then, and surprisingly at the window of winter, a hummingbird came right beside my ear. My eyes were closed, but the quick buzzing sound of its mighty, tiny spirited wings flapping right at my cheek woke me from my mediative state. The biggest smile came to my face. Right then, I knew I needed hummingbird medicine, and this tiny messenger knew it too. From that moment, I started claiming her medicine with all my being, and she became my new business logo. That simple, yet pivotal moment had fueled the rebirth I was aching for.

We feel your pain on every level. Whether it shows up as emotional, structural or social, we’ve been there, we understand and are reaching out our hands and heart to help.
Too many Doctors don’t take the time to listen and to get the whole story. They miss out on key pieces in solving your health puzzle. After all, you are a whole person and every part of you plays into your health picture. We understand the value of listening and pausing for you. You are more than a chart, a record, a number. That’s why we get your history, order labs, suggest life coaching and/or emotional release therapy and suggest dietary and lifestyle changes along with recommended supplements. It’s not just up to us to get you well, it’s also up to you.
Together, we will make a plan to get you where you want to be.
The plan will include our treatment intervention, lifestyle changes necessary and nutritional supplements. It will also include the time and money investment needed. You will be “in the know” from the get-go! No stressful surprises.