Dr. Christina Melancon, ND, CECP, CDS II
Are you, like many, concerned with the state of humanity and the future of “your” country and this planet? It is a very deep topic beyond politics, economics, and the uncertainties of advanced technology. The fact that these are the main concerns is the whole issue. Look beyond pride, fear, prejudice, competition, greed, violence, and judgement and dig way down deep into the personal soul space and the essence of humanity as a collective. The main issue being overlooked by the masses is humans are spiritual beings having a physical experience, and the large majority has submerged into the physicality of their existence and sacrificed their very spirit for egoic themes!
You can deepen into your spirituality with devoted practice. Spirituality is composed of love, hope, kindness, and harmony with the self, all humans, and the planet. Ask yourself, where are you placing your attention. Just as fear fueled the global pandemic that was COVID-19, fear will fuel the political scene. But, you have a choice. Where will you place your attention (energy)? If fear is your choice, you will add fuel to the fire, and you will feel worried, overburdened, tense, and exhausted! You will spread that vibration to others, thus creating a wildfire of fear.
As a global species, facing uncertain times, this quote is one to remember:
“What you feed your mind will lead your life.” Kemi Sogunle
You are not Powerless, You Can Shift Your Perception and Be Empowered by Love
TIP 1: You can control your thoughts and where you choose to place your attention.
You can choose to feed your mind and spirit with fear-mongering media and conversations, or you can continually align yourself to a higher Source of truth, love, and harmony. Choosing what you align with is a personal choice that can empower or disempower you.
There absolutely is a way to shift your perception and be calm in the storm. Victor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, psychologist, philosopher, and Holocaust survivor, surprisingly found personal freedom and liberation within the harshest conditions, inside a brutal concentration camp. His following quote can help you to choose empowerment over despair: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” He faced the very real possibility of death every second. He was naked, starving, and was amongst others in the same psychologically challenging scene. In these harsh conditions, he chose to surrender to something deeper, something much more powerful than his human flesh. He chose to understand his Spirit and what powered his Spirit, and in so doing he was liberated from fear and became calm in the storm.
TIP 2: You Choose Where You Vibrate at (love or fear)
When you operate from your Spirit and not your egoic mind, you can rise into the frequency of love. Love is powerful! A body filled with love is calm, centered, trusting, and has unshakable faith even in dire situations. Choose love through your thoughts and actions. Do not allow hate to overcome you, no matter what you face. Your internal landscape is yours! You choose your energy. Love is a vibrational energetic frequency that requires you to release all that is not love (fear, hate, pride, anger).
Tip 3: Meditate to bring your physical body in alignment with your heart
Heart coherence is a powerful forcefield. Meditation can help you drop into your heart space, promoting a peaceful feeling of bliss. This is because the heart is the conduit to the Intelligence that powers your heart. Aligning to Source energy and allowing it to lead rather than your mind that quickens into fight or flight when it senses danger or perceived threats will keep you grounded and empowered.
If you are new to meditation, try beginning a consistent program of 10 minutes per day using Binaural beats music to relax your physical body. Be consistent. As you create this new habit, your mind and body will find a point of agreement during your meditations, and it will become easier, and you’ll even begin to look forward to it. Meditation can become a superpower for you!