Is it Tinnitus or Something Else?
November 25, 2024Are the Mysterious Noises in Your Head Tinnitus or Something Else? I have had many female patients complaining of tinnitus or vertigo symptoms, and after seeking medical treatment, the noise persists. And, after having my own unique experiences with intermittent...
Are You Freaking Out About Life? Don’t Panic! Drop into your heart with these 3 easy tips
November 19, 2024Dr. Christina Melancon, ND, CECP, CDS II Are you, like many, concerned with the state of humanity and the future of “your” country and this planet? It is a very deep topic beyond politics, economics, and the uncertainties of...
What does someone with cancer, addiction, or a victim of narcissistic abuse have in common?
April 2, 2024Dr. Christina Melancon, ND, CECP, CDS II When people approach the world of natural healing, they arrive in a certain state of being. I like to assess where the person is mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. What state are they...
Release Trapped Emotions & Move Forward in Life
February 12, 2024By Dr. Christina ND, CECP, CDS II, CPT Do you feel like something is holding you back? Do you feel like you have an anchor weighing you down, an anxiousness or maybe just a general air of melancholy? Do...
What is My Soul’s Purpose?
January 15, 2024By: Dr. Christina Melancon, ND, CDS II, CECP This is an amazingly popular question that requires deep reflection! Let’s dive into this. First, what is the soul? The soul is your life force. It’s your essence. Essentially, it is the...
Heal Your Broken Spirit
January 4, 2024Have you been in the wake of painful experiences far too long? If so, I want to encourage you to keep working on healing yourself and reviving your Spirit. The Spirit is what is broken. The Spirit is what separates...
How to Get Clear on What You Want
June 6, 2023Dr. Christina Melancon Naturopathic Doctor & Detoxification Specialist II Do you feel stuck? Are you bored with the mundane activities of life? Do you want to move toward your passion, discover your purpose, and experience greater joy and fulfillment in...
True Transformation Requires Vulnerability
May 2, 2023Dr. Christina Melancon, ND, CPT, CECP, CFTS, CDS II Are you happy with your health right now? I’m talking about your mind, body, and spirit health, the core of you, your essence. Are you physically fit and functioning at your...
Do You Have a Leaky (Heart) Wound?
January 26, 2023By Dr Christina Melancon, ND, CPT, CDS II, CECP Life will inevitably call forth pain, suffering, and wounds of the heart. Experiencing emotion is part of being human. How we tend to our emotional wounding is a major part of...
Dehydration Can Sabotage Weight Loss
November 15, 2022By Dr. Christina, ND, CPT, CECP, CDS II You may have been asked, “are you drinking enough water?” It’s a common question because hydration is vital to overall health, but what does “enough” mean, and how does hydration affect...
How I Cured PCOS with Plants
October 25, 2022By Dr. Christina Melancon, ND, CPT, CDS II, CECP, CPI Nature hosts some magnificent plant medicines for the female reproductive system. Among those is the Chaste Tree Berry plant, a beautiful balancer, and a life saver for me! I first...
The Top Reason You Can’t Lose Weight
October 14, 2022Dr. Christina Melancon, ND, CPT, CDS II, CECP, CPI Are you struggling to lose weight? Has it been a personal goal for a long time, but you can’t seem to achieve it? There is a common and very valid reason...
Proper Digestion – The Key to Optimal Health
May 26, 2022According to the GI Alliance, each year 62 million Americans are diagnosed with some type of digestive disorder. Digestive disorders can cause compound effects on health. Because digestion is the main way we get nutrients needed to fuel our entire...
Is Fear Gripping Your Daily Life?
February 28, 2022Fear is a common emotion we have probably all felt before. It can be very real, daunting, and rob us of peace and joy. However, fear is simply an emotion. Emotions are accompanied by a myriad of thoughts that cycle...
5 Reasons Diets Fail
August 16, 2021Have you ever wondered why most diets fail?Perhaps you’ve tried every diet out there, only to be disappointed over and over again. You work so hard, you’re so hungry, and you spend hours in the gym, all for just a...
3 Keys to Achieve Progressive Weight Loss
July 16, 202145 million Americans will go on a diet each year, yet 70% are overweight or obese. Dieting seems to be a vicious cycle for most Americans. There are months of indulgence followed by guilt and half-hearted goal setting to redeem...
The Biggest Struggle is With Yourself
July 1, 2021The biggest struggles in life are not the unforeseen occurrences, or the daunting obstacles we face when trying to meet a goal or fulfill a dream. The true struggle is internal. What degree of impact will you allow obstacles to...
4 Ways to Develop Healthy Self-Esteem.
June 15, 2021Self-esteem is the way you view yourself as a person. It encompasses your beliefs about your worth and it determines how you treat yourself. If you suffer from low self-esteem here are some ways to start transforming your view of...
About Ivy Vitality
June 10, 2021Ivy Vitality is a holistic wellness center located in South Louisiana. It was founded February 2018 by me, Christina Melançon. I began school, studying naturopathy, in December 2016. It has been a life-lesson-filled journey combined with the thorough study of...
Is Fear Preventing Your Weight Loss? It’s Time to Lose the Safety Net!
May 18, 2021Is fear holding you back from meeting your goals? Is fear preventing you from experiencing the life you want? Is fear keeping you from being fit? Fear is at the root of suffering, pain, and complacency. Fear is suppressive and...
Wake Up Refreshed!
May 2, 2021Simple Ways to Start Your MorningReady, set, go. Just as you would set off at the starting line of a race, the hectic pace is how mornings begin for many men and women. Instead of waking up with dread to face...
I AM… (Part Two)
April 23, 2021How to Create Affirmations-Affirmations- stated or written- are positive, first person statements that are expressed with confidence and have an emotional force behind them. These statements should be spoken aloud throughout each day. Perhaps you can verbalize them before breakfast,...
April 20, 2021Part OneIf you had the power to direct your life in the way you desire, would you do it? According to science, you can do just that by using a powerful tool called affirmations.Affirmations are simply positive statements you repeat...
Do You Have Suppressed Anger?
April 9, 2021Emotions are vibrational energy. They operate at various frequencies depending on the emotion.Gratitude and love are among the highest frequencies. In these states, you feel free, balanced,and expansive. In states of anger, shame, fear, and guilt, you feel contracted. These...
Improve Multiple Chronic Health Issues by Restoring Your Gut Health
April 7, 2021Do you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, bloating, stomach ulcers,constipation, diarrhea, leaky gut, food allergies, gluten intolerances, seasonal allergies,chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, ADD, ADHD, Autism, sugarcravings, brain fog, skin issues, fatigue, or hormonal or mood imbalances?Often these conditions...
Power Up Your Trail Mix with Golden Berries
March 26, 2021Goldenberries are one of Peru’s best-kept secrets. This sweet and sour super food has health benefits you wont want to live without!Golden berries are a great, tasty snack delivering mega nutrients like beta-carotene, Vitamin A, C, E, K1, B1, B2,...
Salt in the Wound
March 18, 2021Victims of abuse have a long and painful journey. It isn’t the abuse that is the worse. It’s the aftermath of what abuse does to a person that is the hardest to overcome. It’s a continual undoing, a reprogramming, a shedding of the old self. It’s hard work to reinvent, rethink, and reestablish your thoughts, memories, and perceptions. But, there is a way to find hope, restore your faith, and dwell in peace.
What have I learned from my plant-based lifestyle?
February 22, 2021When I started a plant-based diet, my main motivation was to prevent a pending surgery. I was struggling with PCOS, joint pain, and acne. I was in and out of my gynecologist’s office on the verge of a hysterectomy. I decided to stop dead in my not-so-healthy tracks and give my life a complete overhaul.
Overcome Yourself Today!
February 8, 2021At times, you may feel you are your worst enemy. That is because oftentimes you are! But why do you do this and how can you overcome yourself, so you can thrive in life!
Why I Wrote Grateful Clarity
February 8, 2021Grateful Clarity is a small book of poems I wrote while I was experiencing the real-life events that inspired them. It is a book about abuse and the many scars it etches in the human soul.
One Change at a Time
January 28, 2021
Many people start a diet with great motivation, anticipating the good results to come for their hard work and sacrifice. But all too often, within just a few weeks, they feel they cannot live up to the point- counting, carb-depriving, and caloric restrictions the diet requires. Then they fail! In reality,…
A Super Food That Prevents Hair Loss
January 22, 2021Pumpkin seeds are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, but one particular ingredient is especially beneficial to men. Find out why a handful of pumpkin seeds a day may keep hair loss away
Let It Go … Your Health Depends on It
January 22, 2021Did you know that burying the hatchet offers health benefits, especially as you age? Studies show that letting go of anger and resentment can actually reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and even help you breathe easier. Adversely, holding anger inside is linked to heart disease and stroke, thereby taking years from your life.